Monday, March 26, 2018

Keyword Hero | An Online Solution Tool to Integrate

Keyword Hero, a global only SEO tool that delivers organic keywords to your Google Analytics with full integration. The comprehensive platform provides more just than organic keywords. The platform features additional benefits by delivering keywords in the semantic clusters they belong to extend research on what is driving traffic to websites. The way it works is Keyword Hero retrieves data from your GA account, then computes organic keywords from those sessions. Google Analytics (GA) could be frustrating to analyze in this section because organic keywords are listed as “not provided”. Keyword Hero allows you to generate such findings. This online tool will more likely generate words associated with your existing paid keywords in your GA account. The probability that these keywords are significant is due to this online platform using the probabilistic method to match such words.

The probabilistic method was pioneered by a Hungarian mathematician named Paul Erdos. The probabilistic method is a nonconstructive method, primarily used in combinatorics for proving the existence of a prescribed kind of mathematical object. It works by showing that if one randomly chooses objects from a specified class, the probability that the result is of the prescribed kind is more than zero. Although the proof uses probability, the final conclusion is determined for certain, without any possible error (Wikipedia, 2018).

Now why doesn’t Google Analytics let me see my organic keywords?
Google wanted to make searches more secure so they introduced an encrypted search service (SSL support) that will hide information about a query including keywords that were used online. Google will still be able to retrieve such information but website owners are not. However, instead of just taking this information away entirely, Google will provide an aggregated list of the top 1,000 search queries that drove traffic to your site from the past 30 days using their Webmaster Tools. By continuing to use this feature, marketers are able to still honed in on such information. But what about the search queries beyond the 30 day limitations? Do you just forget about them and not let this information help with building your brand, increase traffic to your website, or support ROI? Absolutely not! You download Keyword Hero for free, with the option to purchase additional features, to retrieve this lost information – organic keywords and so much more.

How can organic keywords help my business online?
Keywords help businesses grow online by optimizing webpages to improve organic search results, rankings, click throughs and conversions. This is considered the first step in SEO. Keywords are chosen that represent a company’s business goals. They are words that define what businesses are selling online. These words contribute to business goals whether they are leads, signups, page views, or sales. Marketers are able to bid on one single keyword or a keyword phrase to drive traffic to their websites. Keywords are used to best describe businesses online. Google Analytics provide keyword data for Adword advertising to help generate words that complement businesses. Google wants businesses to be smart on where they place their advertising dollars to drive traffic for conversions and goal success.

Organic keywords are free words viewers used to locate products, services, and goods. Organic searches increase your website’s visibility in rankings. It will also provide marketers ranking information to help search engines understand the intent of a website. Once keywords are matched, then search engine crawlers use the keywords to index website pages according to rankings. By providing a potential list of keywords, marketers are able to use in content strategy to produce quality ad/website copy that reflects the intended message. Marketers are also able to use the generated keywords in Pay Per Click (PPC lead generation) campaigns. It is also important for marketers to test these potential keywords and examine, periodically, to make sure the keywords are bringing in conversions.

Can keywords hurt my business? | Top Tips Businesses Should Know
There are things that can affect online businesses in a negative way. So monitoring and learning everything about keywords are important to a company’s success. According to Web Presence Solutions, there are two primary types of keywords to examine for website discoverability;

1          Broad Match Keywords

  • Generate a high search volume that can drive direct target audience away from your site and in the hands of your competitors
  • Attract a general audience that may not convert to leads if the words are too vague

Long Tail Keywords (specific phrase of words)
  • Have a lower search volume with less competition to worry about
  • Keywords likely to convert to leads by driving a specific group of visitors to the site

Bad Keywords can hurt your website and make your site unfavorable with website crawlers

Not Using Specific Keywords may result in a higher website bounce rate and can produce frustrated viewers searching for specific content they expected.

Keyword Hero Dashboard Example

What can Keyword Hero do for my business?
  • Display organic keywords in Google Analytics for measurement
  • Identify behavioral and transactional metrics per keyword
  • Discover new and awesome dimensions such as position in the GoogleSerps (search engine results pages) for each session and spot opportunities
  • Brand Detection allows marketers to focus on generic terms that were listed by GA
  • Group keywords into clusters base on the intent of users instead of examining one single session. This also makes SEO easier.
  • Connect user’s queries to their sessions for easier display of data
  • Easy set up and integration with Google Analytics
  • Acquires information from nine different sources of data
  • Store future keywords for later use
  • Uncover lost keywords that will help businesses grow
  • Access to keyword metrics that make the company money and conversions
  • Match GA metrics with Keyword Hero’s discoveries
  • Filter uncovered data by country, landing pages, etc-        
To learn more about Keyword Hero and what it can do for your business, visit or click here.

Aspland, George. Nov 1, 2011. Organic Keywords: The First Step in Search Engine Optimization. Retrieved from
McEvoy, Mike. April 17, 2016. Keywords – 5 Things Every Small Business Should Know. Retrieved from
Hallam, Susan. May 3, 2017. What does Keyword (not provided) mean in Google Analytics? Retrieved from
Wikipedia. 2018. Probabilistic method. Retrieved from
Wikipedia. 2018. Paul Erdos. Retrieved fromős
Evelyn Kao. Oct 18, 2011. Making search more secure. Retrieved from