Monday, March 12, 2018

Website Metrics | Examining the Categories Necessary for Success

User engagement is just as important as visitor characterization. All of the metric categories serve a purpose and work together to provide businesses with vital data to analyze, measure, share and compare. The topic of this post is user engagement and how it integrates with marketing strategies. Sometimes consumers need a little nudging (digital reminders) a couple of times to actually make a purchase. Outdated business websites could display heavy content or not be user-friendly. People may be interested to research your business products and services online. So the additional marketing channels may get the viewers’ attention but once they arrive on the website, it turns out to be a total disaster to comprehend. Viewers get frustrated and abort these websites. The average page visit lasts a little less than a minute so companies do not have a lot of time to convince the viewer/customer to keep reading and act on the call. What should businesses do to solve this dilemma? Look at their web analytics (metrics) to figure out why viewers are aborting their website.

Using Google analytics can give insight on these things leading to successes and failures. Goals and objectives are the necessary fundamentals to achieve and avoid errors. There could be a lot of reasons why consumers abort websites. Many reasons may include the timing of an ad display, promotion attached, etc. Marketers look at company’s website bounce rate hoping this could shed some light on this common problem in the online digital world. For example; let’s examine A company, Branded3, reported the ten worst websites that included, an online hub for everything you need to know about your bottle collection (Kenwright, 2014).

After researching and examining Mr. Bottles’ website, I noticed the company displayed poor quality photos. So I wanted to find out really what was going on with this business website and dig deeper into their online metrics. I chose to use to examine their business website. The report actually gave me insight on current metrics generated one year ago. The SeoSiteCheckup report ranked website; an 83 average out of 100 and presented errors that needed attention that could lead to an uptick in website visibility and user engagement.

Below is what Mr. Bottle’s website look like a couple of years ago. It wasn’t appealing, very congested with clutter and not an easy read. One could only imagine the bounce rate recorded for this business.

Courtesy of Mr. Bottles' website
There are a number of reasons why people abort websites; unwanted page to web design, usability issues and too many distractions. Some websites display pop-up ads that usually have a high bounce rate which is a signal something is wrong with your website because visitors don’t engage by exploring it further (Virgillito, 2016).

So I guess did some research and realized the business website was outdated. The new one definitely is a step in the right direction. However, the one thing that I immediately notice on their current website there was no social media integration. This is definitely a sure way to keep viewers engaged. How could a business survive without social media integration? SeoSiteCheck did report this error and suggested the company could see higher engagement results if implemented. The SEO check also discovered and recommended ways for to speed up page loading time and fix their expired photo tags. This could also be a reason for website aborts. SeoSiteCheck did report the proper use of keyword usage on the website. But keep in mind, viewers also need to discover their answers in a short period of time so heavy content could be categorized as a distraction. did offer a sitemap but I couldn’t locate it with all the heavy content on their website. So there are a number of recommendations to consider on how to engage Mr. Bottles’ online viewership and keep their viewers’ attention.

The website can’t build long-term relationships, commit between parties or display user fulfillment and dedication without social media engagement nowadays. The value, trust, and expectations are necessary to measure for customers’ engagement. The consumer wants to feel secure with the brand and website. Many loyal consumers represent customer loyalty and trust to businesses that service them. Without customer care being displayed and implemented, then the quality of service and products could fail.

Courtesy of Sprout Social; In Q1 2017 the top people’s choice for customer care is:
This means it is imperative to provide quality care through all marketing channels to ensure every potential viewer or current customers’ conversation ends with satisfaction (York, 2017). Here are a couple of tips to understand social media and creating quality customer care. Social analytics let businesses identify their customer and deliver data. Building a great customer usually defines the consumer’ experience and determine their loyalty to the brand. 

Measure your success; engaging content could easily be re-shared 
Proven ROI results; the numbers always tell a story
Understand what your audience likes
Compare performance across all social media channels in one designated place – a dashboard

Web analytics plays a huge role in the success or demise of your online digital presence. To learn more about the web metrics to grow your business, check back periodically. This blog post is exactly what is needed to move forward to increase brand awareness, user engagement, help with lead generation, and improve ROI. If you have specific questions, let me know and I will do my best to answer or find out the best answer. If I don’t know the correct answer, then together we will find out from one of my affiliate partners who are committed to helping businesses grow.

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  1. Hello, thanks for your interesting post. I like that you compared the two versions of their websites. How did you find what the previous site looked like? Just curious. I can't believe that of all the things you posted was antique bottles. We just found a bottle dump on the edge of our property in the woods. Our neighborhood was a an old farm owned at one time by George Washington's nephew. Thanks for pointing out that website. It could be useful.

    1. Hi Jean,
      I just googled it and selected came up. Thank you for reading my post. You may be able to start a small business with all those dumped many people do.

  2. Great post! Of all of the things you discussed, one that REALLY stood out to me was the use of a social media policy for internal stakeholders (employees, administrators, etc.). I think as marketers, we sometimes are so focused on the content we're sending out into the world specifically as marketing professionals. Remembering that as social media continues to become more integrated, these areas of our lives overlap is a good rule of thumb.

