Sunday, March 11, 2018

Online Marketing and Your Website

Web analytics is the bloodline to understanding what to do next to increase your digital presence. Without analytics, marketers and business owners would not know what is working and what isn’t for their companies. A website is the face of a business but how does one plan on delivering this online tool to engage and sell their products? The product could be the best thing invented but what necessary steps does a marketer take to successfully introduce the new product to the digital world? The answer is measure web analytics. The website is not only used to present but to capture accumulated data on the back end from all posts, submissions, blog entries, ads, just about everything is recorded and essential to understanding a company’s online performance. Maybe the company’s website just doesn’t deliver the message intended in the short period of time the viewer allows. The viewer usually aborts a website shortly after clicking on it in roughly two minutes and stays on web pages for roughly 30 seconds. The marketer may also notice that sales are low.

Web analytics could help the marketer dig deeper and determine why their objectives and goals are not being met. The visitor characterization data collected from sources (social media, SEO/SEM) could deliver information that can be measured using the google analytics tool to identify just who your visitors are, where they came from, display how long visitors stayed on each web page, what pages did the visitor view and the number of pageviews are tracked. These metrics can be presented on a unique customized dashboard to analyze, measure, share, compare. It is the company’s lifeline to make any necessary improvements to marketing effectiveness by updating, editing, terminating or continuing marketing campaigns within the company. This collected data can also support goals and avoid errors while experimenting with new marketing campaigns. Visitor loyalty is something every business owner should want to stay abreast with to know their viewer. Repeated visitors to the website are very important because it allows the marketer to strategize and forecast the company’s next set of marketing initiatives. This could help with company’s sales funnel to actually convert visitors into customers. 

Here is a sample of what Google Analytics looks like:

Let’s examine the higher learning education arena. With a number of for-profit universities and colleges having to validate their educational programs offered, the industry has taken a decline in enrollment and are subject to heavy scrutiny in the news. Consumers looking to go back to school and not get scammed is a major concern. So it may take a prospect a little bit more time to make such a huge commitment that reflects on their future. Marketers have to almost work twice as hard to persuade the prospect. Marketers must keep the viewer’s attention before they are swept off their feet by one of the competing schools that offers a better deal for the same degree. Marketers have to find unique ways to present degree programs that create sustainable jobs for the future. The one thing that universities and colleges do not want to advertise is the risk of accumulating high education loans to pay back with “jack in the box” degrees. So universities and schools that are here for the long haul need to acquire and increase online visibility, rise above the clutter and make their school noticeable in dim times. Marketers also want to generate a warm transfer instead of a cold lead to sales teams.

Paid search is one way marketers use to grab people’s attention by using effective keywords, keyword phrases and optimization to present what they are selling. If a prospective student was interested in finding an aviation school, then they would google the keywords “aviation school”. Marketers would love to be the first school that visitors see when looking for a specific degree program. The visitor characterization data has set the foundation for integration of additional strategies. By comparing the data, marketers are able to identify vital info about the website’s visitor. Businesses pay for keywords to attract and get people to click on their ads. The highly keyword driven content will hopefully make the viewer act upon their interests and educational goals. Plus, you can tweak the online ads or your targeting anytime, to reach a specific group of people (by interest, geographical area, etc.) or promote a specific deal or product. This is a great resource for small companies who can't frequently update their SEO to reflect sales, promotions, or seasonal changes to their offerings. The object of the game is to learn as much as possible about the visitor to improve ROI and achieve brand awareness.

Example of a Liberty University | PPC search ad 

The visitor characterization data in PPC campaigns display a roadmap on how to move forward with the universities’ marketing campaigns. Liberty University's paid search campaign popped up at the top of the google search due to the relevant keyword purchases. Liberty University’s PPC ad delivered just enough info to persuade the visitor to click on it. The university offers programs in aviation along with several other degree programs, students complete their program online, what kind of aviation degree offered, and a CTA (call to action) was presented.

Many universities and schools are not using this marketing strategy and prefer to count on other possibilities. But PPC campaigns places the ad in plain view online to avoid the clutter surrounding it. PPC search also alleviates noninterested people but draw in the targeted audience that displays interest using the psychographics to get them to click on the company’s website. This data can translate many unanswered questions of repeated viewers and give insight about new visitors. The measurements from this paid search campaign can be integrated with additional campaigns, keep visitors engaged and prepared for enrollment, improve business objectives, and accomplish the intended ultimate goal – enrollment for the school.

Web analytics plays a huge role in the success or demise of your online digital presence. To learn more about the metrics to grow your business, check back periodically. This blog post is exactly what is needed to move forward to increase brand awareness, implement digital marketing strategies and help with lead generation for businesses. If you have specific questions, let me know and I will do my best to answer your questions or concerns or find out the best answer. If I don’t know the correct answer, then together we will find out from one of my affiliate partners who are committed to helping businesses grow online.

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